PRP with Microneedling a.k.a. Vampire Facial

The popularity of facials has skyrocketed in the last few years and we went from being a luxury to an essential form of self-care. These days, getting a facial is a safer and more worthwhile experience than it has ever been before.

So, today we are going to have a deep dive into the topic of PRP treatment for facial rejuvenation. This anti-aging treatment has several benefits over a conventional facial. Let’s have a quick walkthrough and know more about PRP treatment.

What’s PRP Microneedling treatment? 

Platelet-rich plasma skin rejuvenation, also known as PRP face rejuvenation, is a revolutionary way to reverse the signs of aging or damaged skin. Getting this treatment done can make your skin look and feel younger, smoother, and healthier.

This treatment uses your plasma to promote collagen synthesis and cell migration, PRP is a facial rejuvenation procedure that reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet. It can also help correct under eye dark circles as well as the tired look created by tear troughs hollowness.  The effects of PRP treatment are modest and natural-looking, and they may persist for up to 2 years after the procedure.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), often known as the “vampire facial,” has garnered so much attention that it may appear as though we’ve finally discovered the elixir of youth.

PRP facial rejuvenation utilizes your body’s own natural healing capacity to cure your skin.

How is it administered and how can it help?

PRP is either injected into your skin at precise depths according to your aesthetic requirements or disseminated across your face during treatment in the context of anti-aging.

PRP treatment can help your skin in various ways, such as:

  • Increases Production of Collagen

The pace at which your body produces collagen begins to decline at the age of 25. As long as you don’t do anything to boost its output, it will continue to deteriorate at a rapid pace. This treatment may help you achieve your skin regenerate and increase the production of collagen.

  • Decreases wrinkles and fine lines.

As cellular turnover is encouraged, these typical symptoms of aging may be addressed. New skin cells, collagen, and elastin are generated from recycled old skin cells. Micro-injuries caused by therapy tighten your face skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Improves Skin Tightness and Firmness

Collagen, as previously mentioned, is necessary for firm, taut skin. Although your skin begins to droop as you become older, wrinkles and lines may not appear as a result of this. The skin on the face typically thins as we get older, and areas of the face like the lips and cheeks may seem lanky and lifeless.

  • Improvements to skin’s color and texture

Acne scars, surgical scars, traumatic injury scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, and other types of poor skin tone or texture may be improved with a PRP-enhanced facial. You’ll be amazed at how much better your skin looks after just one vampire facial when old skin cells die and are replaced by young, healthy ones.

Which conditions can it treat?

Before being discovered for facial rejuvenation, PRP injections were historically used by orthopedics specialists due to its healing properties for conditions, such as:

  • Injuries to the Tendons

  • Injuries to Ligaments and Muscles

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Conditions of the Back and Spine

  • Loss of hair

  • Reconstruction after a surgical procedure.

Who can have it done?

  • People wanting reduction is acne scars, hyperpigmentation, dull skin, improvement in tear troughs, skin tightening by collagen stimulation, and people looking for healthier and brighter looking skin.

  • People dealing with issues such as hair loss due to androgenic alopecia, often known as male pattern baldness, may benefit from this PRP therapy.

  • People who are facing injuries to the tendons. A condition where thick strands of tissue called tendon connect the skeletal system at the points where muscle meets the bone.

  • People facing Osteoarthritis of the knee may benefit from PRP injections.

Who cannot have it done?

Because PRP is created using your blood, you shouldn’t experience any side effects from using it. By injecting already-circulating blood into the troublesome regions, you’re doing nothing more than giving yourself a quick fix.

Aside from minor stinging and moderate discomfort for approximately 24 hours after the injections, there are no medicines or external components added to the plasma before it is re-injected into your body. Thus, PRP treatment shouldn’t have any adverse effects and there is no reason that you shouldn’t be receiving this treatment.

Take away:

Everyone wants to be youthful and there is nothing wrong with it. Taking note of all of these benefits and other important considerations, it’s critical to consult your nurse practitioner, which can offer you the best and most up-to-date PRP treatment.

So, go ahead and book a free consultation with your nurse practitioner to benefit from this treatment.