4 10, 2022

PRP Hair Loss Treatment

2023-02-23T21:32:25-05:00By ||

Platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to [...]

4 10, 2022

PRP Microneedling / Vampire Facial

2022-10-04T14:26:45-04:00By ||

Microneedling with plasma is a cosmetic treatment also known as Vampire Facial,  that uses an electric pen with fine needles to prick the skin in order to stimulate new collagen production. Microneedling with plasma-rich platelets (PRP) uses part of [...]

23 03, 2022

ED For Men

2023-06-14T17:27:32-04:00By ||

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to acquire and maintain sufficient erection for sexual intercourse. Men who suffer from ED have reduced blood flow to the penis. This can be caused by a variety of causes, from side effects [...]

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