The beauty industry is ever-evolving.  Skin doctors and specialists continue to develop advanced treatments to produce invasive and non-invasive solutions to uplift the power of plastic surgery.  It’s noted that approximately ten million injectable solutions are done every year.  This means, lots of persons are getting dermal fillers.  This proves how effective and in-demand they are across the globe.

Botulinum toxin (Botox) is widely used to treat wrinkle.  Plenty of people know of its wonder and successful results. But aside from that, there are other various injectables that can help you achieve younger-looking skin, such as dermal fillers.

Non-surgical procedures have genuinely paved the way to fight ageing, without you going under the knife. Aside from that, you don’t have to reach a certain age to begin your treatment. This is another factor that makes the cosmetic industry so successful.

Keep reading below to find out more about getting dermal fillers to combat ageing.

What Causes Signs of Ageing

When people grow older, it’s a natural occurrence for your skin to undergo changes. There’s the possibility to lose moisture, volume, and elasticity. The middle layers of your skin work to keep collagen and elastin intact.  These are both substances that serve to maintain the healthy and supple appearance of your skin and prevent noticeable ageing.

Collagen is an element that helps prevent loss of moisture and volume on your skin. Meanwhile, elastin assists your skin in recovering when you undergo situations that significantly affect your skin condition.

What Dermal Fillers Do

The moment your skin loses collagen and elastin, your skin results in showing more physical signs of ageing. You can also experience the loss of hyaluronic acid. It’s a skin component that captures and keeps moisture to help your skin from changing its appearance.

With face fillers, it can help reduce the effects of ageing on your skin. The treatment contains hyaluronic acid, the most known active ingredient that can help your skin regain its glowing state. The procedure can help enhance the moisture of your skin by serving as a solution to replace collagen loss and skin laxity.

You can choose from an array of dermal filler products that come in various levels to cater to your needs, taking care of the physical signs of ageing you’re experiencing on your skin. Getting dermal fillers can help add volume to your loose skin, fill in wrinkles, and uplift your cheeks and lips.

The Recovery Period

Superficial dermal fillers will encourage regeneration in your body and deliver added volume to your skin, The procedure will not require you to undergo a recovery period similar to dermabrasion and chemical peels. In fact, you can consider dermal fillers a lunchtime beauty treatment.

Get a dermal injection during your free time and resume your routine as soon as it’s finished. You don’t have to take some time off to stay home and rest your skin anymore!


For younger and healthier skin, dermal fillers and other minimally invasive treatments will provide you with the best results. It’s a preventative solution to fight ageing, leaving your skin plump, full, and glowing. Before you decide to have a dermal filler, you must consult with a nurse practitioner. That’s to ensure it’s the right treatment for you.

Are you looking for Botox or  dermal fillers in London, Ontario to help renew your skin and prevent noticeable signs of ageing? Pinkal Health is a medical aesthetics practice that offers primary care and podiatry solutions. We provide aesthetic services, dermal fillers, and botulinum toxin. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!


Botox , Dysport and Xeomin are the names for a drug called Botulinum toxin. You must consult your health care provider to receive a treatment to ensure it is right for you.